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Human-Level Translation That Keeps Formatting and Structure

Upload a Word (.docx), Powerpoint (.pptx) or Excel (.xlsx) document file and get it translated into any language. Preserve the original document formatting and structure.

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Hello ⁑ Bonjour ⁑ Hola ⁑ Hallo ⁑ Ciao ⁑ Olá ⁑ Привет ⁑ こんにちは ⁑ 你好 ⁑ 안녕하세요 ⁑ Merhaba ⁑ नमस्ते ⁑ سلام ⁑ שלום ⁑ สวัสดี ⁑ Γειά σου ⁑ Zdravstvuyte ⁑ Hej ⁑ Hei ⁑ Hej ⁑ Tere ⁑ Sveiki ⁑ Labas ⁑ Ahoj ⁑ Szia ⁑ Witaj ⁑ Salut ⁑ Здраво ⁑ Zdravo ⁑ Pozdrav ⁑ Здравейте ⁑ Γεια σας ⁑ Cześć ⁑ Buna ⁑ Прывітанне ⁑ Сайн уу ⁑ Namaskār ⁑ Xin chào ⁑ Selamat siang ⁑ Kumusta ⁑ Sawubona ⁑ Salama ⁑ Halo ⁑ Moien ⁑ ສະບາຍດີ ⁑ કેમ છો ⁑ ನಮಸ್ಕಾರ ⁑ ជំរាបសួរ ⁑ 안녕 ⁑ ନମସ୍କାର ⁑ ਸਤ ਸ੍ਰੀ ਅਕਾਲ ⁑ നമസ്കാരം ⁑ سلام ⁑ मनासें ⁑ Монгол хэл ⁑ नमस्कार ⁑ سلام ⁑ ආයුබෝවන් ⁑ வணக்கம் ⁑ నమస్కారం ⁑ สวัสดี ⁑ హలో ⁑ chào bạn ⁑ שלום
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Why Use Document Translate?

Translate entire document while preserving structure and formatting

No document size limit

Translate as many documents as you need


Translate your docx document quickly

Tired of copy and pasting long texts into Google Translate? Just upload the document and get it translated. Preserve markup such as paragraphs, HEADINGS, bold, and italic – just like in your original document.


Avoid tedious translation of your slides

Upload your presentation, choose the translation language, and receive your presentation by email. We will only translate the text, and will keep the original layout intact, including titles, images, tables, and more.


Translate your Excel spreadsheet while keeping formulas intact

Upload your spreadsheet, choose translation language, and let it work its magic. Only the strings will be translated. Original numbers and formulas will stay intact.

Get in touch

Partnership opportunities, volume discounts inquiries, and general questions are welcome!

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